From Where I Walk

I joined Instagram last month, (you can follow me here) so I could participate in the “Photo a Day” challenges. The version of me on Instagram is like the version of me on sports, in that I’m having a good time, but you don’t want me on your team. I enjoy the photo challenges, but I’m not a great photographer. Also, I missed a day already, which is a lot like failing to return the serve.

I have two friends (krudeforth & retamckelvey) who take stunning photos, and their Instagram accounts are worth checking out. In case you happen to find yourself in England this month, Kevin actually has an exhibition at a pub in Kingston Upon Hull.

My exhibitions, per se, are not particularly photogenic, and largely involve the running of my mouth. While looking at pictures of myself, I find I am most often talking, laughing, or eating, which does indeed tell a thousand words, or at least this many: My mouth is never shut, I love red lipstick, I am indeed an epicurean, I almost always wear white, and my face is always some shade of pink.
I like that Instagram has me BEHIND the camera.

This is a photo I took today.


May Photo A Day 15. From Where I Walk


It’s part of the mess of Spring. I had been describing the mess of Spring to Luanne, failing miserably by talking about the red bits and the propeller thingies that fall from the Maples. I told her I would take a photo and find the proper words for them.

The seed pod propeller thingies that come off of Maple trees are called samaras, although they are also called propellers, helicopters, and whirlygigs. The important thing about propellers is that you must get them all up off the ground, because wherever they find a place to grow, they will try to grow, and I do not want to live in a forest!
The red bits are buds that fall from our Red Maple.
Also included in this photo, at no extra charge to you, are the grass clippings and twigs that get blown onto my patio.

What can I say, my lawn debris is marvelous, and never-ending!

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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28 Responses to From Where I Walk

  1. Here’s something else about whirly-giggy things. Even though they mostly land flat on the ground, they will stand on their little heads and burrow into the earth. FREAKY!

    I’m not on instagram – yet. Nor Twitter. But you know, never say never.


    • I know, right?! They love to grow anywhere and everywhere!

      Twitter takes some getting used to.
      Instagram is a NICE place.
      I love them both, but they couldn’t be more different!

      Thanks for commenting, Maggie 🙂


  2. My mouth is never shut and I also love red lipstick!

    On a slightly more serious note though, I got a little bit excited when I started reading about your friend’s exhibition as I went to school in Kingston upon… Thames. OK, maybe that wasn’t really cause for any excitement at all, hey?

    Photography is something I’ve always wanted to get into but have always found excuses not to. Good on you for getting in the mix.


    • SEAN! Where have you been?!? *she asks, tryin to not sound like your mother*

      Photography is something I admire, fersure!


      • Ha. ‘Fersure’ – I like that.

        Dude, I was trying (and failing) to get laid in Oz and only got back a couple weeks ago. Am in a major writing/what the hell am I doing with my life funk… hence the lack of activity.

        But on the plus side, the paperback is all formatted and currently at the printers. Very excited!

        I’m actually tinkering with the eBook right now so subject to how many changes are needed, I shall hopefully have some sort of bullshit promotional post disguised as something prettier in the coming days…

        You so pretty!!

        Everyone I know in Oz now knows that skit thanks to you.


  3. Carrie Rubin says:

    I can’t imagine keeping up with yet another social media site. Everyone tells me I should be on Pinterest, but honestly, FB, Twitter, my blog, and Goodreads are more than enough!


    • Well, I still haven’t succumbed to Pinterest. Goodreads, although I have an account, I never use it.

      I do like Instagram though. It’s a low-key place. Think opposite of Twitter.


  4. Hah you have a great dry sense of humour and I shall look you up from my Instagram account x


  5. LindaGHill says:

    I should join Instagram too – because I need something else to do. 😛
    I have maples growing in my hedges. ‘Nuf said?


  6. Your pic looks like a salad you could order in Brooklyn for, like, $18.


  7. I forgot to tell you I followed your Instagram! I’m the Lindsay person. (Hope you haven’t been wondering who the hell that was – now I feel extra creepy! Sorry 😦 )


  8. words4jp says:

    I can hardly keep up with WP – I do not think I could do Instagram or any other site. I like your photo;)


  9. cardamone5 says:

    I like that you found inspiration in stuff we normally have to force ourselves to sweep up. Good for you! You don’t give yourself enough credit. Your vision is unusual and highly detailed. Most people would not pick this subject, but you did, which makes you unique, and a good photographer too!



  10. Sherry says:

    had millions of them in the meadow…it was almost magical sometimes when the wind would come up and they would come from the trees in hundreds, like weird snow flakes…the cats loved them…


  11. spacurious says:

    Dude, I would totally pick you for my team.


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