One-Liner Wednesday — On Housewifery

“Never ask her what she did all day, because she will tell you, and boy will you be sorry.”

— The Mister’s response to a man who asked his advice



One-Liner Wednesdays are brought to you by LindaGHill


About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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21 Responses to One-Liner Wednesday — On Housewifery

  1. Deborah says:

    Excellent! Men could learn from this! 🙂


  2. hollie says:

    Ohmygosh this is priceless!


  3. LindaGHill says:

    Excellent!! 😀
    P.S. I’ll link this to today’s One-Liner post. Sorry I’m so late!!


  4. mewhoami says:

    Hilarious and exactly right!


  5. Ralph says:

    Hi Jolene 😀 I have read a few of your posts and find them really funny (laugh funny, not the other funny 😉 ). So, you have another follower, me ! Ralph xox ❤


  6. Ralph says:

    I tried to Follow but this Spam issue won’t let me. Once I’m back to normal it should activate automatically. Hopefully !


  7. ivyon says:

    No, you should always ask her how her day was 😀


  8. shanjeniah says:

    My spouse just asks, “How are you?” He learned long ago that a lot of what I do all day is invisible.


  9. words4jp says:

    yep, been there, done that. Here’s one for ya – I ask the youngin’ – how was school today? “BORING” What did you do today? “NOTHING”. This has been the answer for years. Last Friday, I picked him up from his first full day of school – questions – how was school today? “NOT BAD” what did you do today? “LOOKS LIKE IT WILL BE A FUN YEAR” I swear, I just about back ended the car in front of me. Does this mean my baby (a new HS junior) is growing up??????


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