Blue Moon

Mark asks if we like Blue Moon beer.
Let me tell you a story about Blue Moon beer, while the recently seen Blue Moon is still all over social media.

Years ago we had my parents to visit, and we wanted my dad to have somethin yummy to drink. We’d noticed he’d had Blue Moon beer when we’d last visited them, so we decided that’d be nice.

We bought the Blue Moon beer.

The men sat out on the porch and drank the Blue Moon beer.
I drank the Blue Moon beer while I made gnocchi.
My mother helped, but since she’d requested Beethoven she spent a great deal of time directing the orchestra and humming. So much laughter, so many smiles, y’all!

Anyway, the Blue Moon beer was fine. It was good. We liked it. However, it had an unfortunate side effect on The Mister and me.

Our stomachs sounded not unlike Moo’s dolphins and whales video.
If you’re unfamiliar with the songs of dolphins and whales, here’s a blip:

The Mister and I had a brief conversation about the possible collateral damage of this beer. It sounded like we were in for a bad night. We felt fine, but the sounds, oh mercy, the sounds!

I opened a bottle of white and proceeded to drink most of it, in the hopes that my, I assumed, many trips to the bathroom later would at least be mildly pleasant.
Also, we left the music on and made sure to talk throughout dinner. We didn’t want any silences, because oh, so much noticeably audible awkward.

Surprisingly, nothing worse happened.

I’m not sure if the starch of the gnocchi saved us, or what, but all that noise was just noise. It never amounted to anything.

Still, we don’t drink Blue Moon beer anymore.

Have you ever had a similar experience?

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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40 Responses to Blue Moon

  1. DanicaPiche says:

    Gnocchi! Now I’m really impressed! That must have been what saved you. It’s a magic salve for pretty much anything, isn’t it? I haven’t tried Blue Moon beer though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve never had that reaction from Blue Moon and I used to drink it fairly often.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mihrank says:

    Blue Moon has its own secret – very impressive presentation!


  4. I’m actually a Blue Moon fan. If you add a slice of orange, I’m in beer heaven. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  5. reocochran says:

    I had sweet potato gnocci at my good friend’s house. She is a great one for buying new things and I enjoyed this treat with fettucine sauce over it. I wondered if this would be better with just butter? Joey, how does your mother make the gnocci or does she serve it any particular way? This would help me, in future uses and since I don’t really like to ‘trust’ the internet for recipes.
    Great subject and a good nod to Mark. He is a very good friend!
    I have not had any bad experiences with Blue Moon beer but I do add a slice of orange, something I heard from a bartender. He said there is orange juice at the brewery in the beer. Have you ever heard this before? I was not young so he was not “hitting on me,” and could not reason why he would make this up. I like hard cider and need to let the company around central ohio know Delaware has their hard caramel apple cider at a new restaurant called, “Restoration.” I know as we passed the place last night it was packed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      My mother doesn’t make gnocchi, I do. I don’t make a sauce. When it’s done I put it in a skillet with some chopped tomato and butter and herbs and it takes on the flavor.
      I won’t be trying the Blue Moon beer again, but I’m glad you enjoy it. The commercials show it served with a slice of orange, and you’re at least the second person to mention it, so yes, I think that’s a thing 🙂
      I don’t care for cider at all, unless it’s just apple 😛


  6. Carrie Rubin says:

    Haha, loved the video sound effect. In case you don’t already know the term, our tummy rumbling noises are called ‘borborygmus.’ I’ve always found that a fun word to rattle off. (Because that’s how exciting my life is.)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’ve had it, and found it fair. I’m into stuff made in smaller batches myself. I never noticed any grumbles, but wouldn’t be put off by them. I look forward to a good guttural sound myself.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Sammy D. says:

    Only when I substituted apriciots for mushrooms in my risotto dish. Apricots + male guts = 7.2 rumbles on the Richter scale (and a while on the john after that).

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sammy D. says:

    Oh, you mean reactions to Blue Moon Beer?!? i can’t drink any beer – no yeasty nothin’ for my delicate insides. I have to stay away from beer, yeast breads and all dairy. The price I pay in sick gut syndrome is too high.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dan Antion says:

    My daughter drinks Blue Moon but I have not had more than one sip. No grumbles. The night before I got sick in Washington, DC, I had several glasses of Guinness Blonde Lager. I don’t think there’s any real relation between the beer and the illness but I’ll never drink it again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Blue Moon is a nice beer, taste-wise 🙂
      I’m guessing since you had a few glasses, you liked the Guinness Blonde? We haven’t tried it yet. Big fans of Guinness Stout.
      I understand, related or not, there’s an association.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dan Antion says:

        Actually, I didn’t think it was that good. I had a few glasses because the only other beer they had on tap that I knew I liked was Sam Adams and that was a little too heavy. Maybe I was already getting sick and my judgement was on the fritz. It was a little too light for me.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Nancy says:

    OMG! So funny! I actually love Blue Moon and I’ve never noticed this effect but the next time I have some I’m going to be really careful!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Blue Moon is a wheat-ale. Do you think it could have been the gluten that caused the noises?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Prajakta says:

    I don’t even KNOW what blue moon beer is. Am I missing out? The only time my tummy makes a whale call is when there is dead silence and it demands food.

    P.S. I need a pic of the gnocchi.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Benson says:

    Well. An evening of Blue Moon,gnocchi making and Beethoven. You guys sure know how to live. Do you have a gnocchi board? I haven’t had any issues with Blue Moon but I drink it infrequently.Maybe your bellies just needed food? So what Beethoven were you listening to? Since my life is such a bore I must get my sense of fullness vicariously. You never fail in offering up entertaining posts. however odd.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I like being however odd, thanks 🙂
      No, I don’t have a gnocchi board. I use fork. No, our bellies didn’t need food, it was the beer. Had it just been one of us, it coulda been a fluke, but we have completely different stomachs. (Mine is sensitive and his is made of lead.)
      I’m pretty sure the Beethoven was all the Beethoven in the iPod, so a mix.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. hollie says:

    I had six Blue Moon’s last night and had no unfortunate side effects!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Gnocchi for Prajakta | joeyfullystated

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