J is for Just Sayin

Just how hard is it to think of J things?
Like my name? Or my husband’s? Or the four hundred Jennifers I’m required to know because of when I was born?

I am a J thing.

J names must surely be the hardest for people to pronounce.
On a regular basis I am Joelle, Joni, Jody, and Joy.

It starts in school, the J of it.

“Think of a word that starts with the same letter as your first name.”
“Can you name three words that start with J?”
“Make an acrostic about yourself using your name!”

I wasn’t bitchy enough in grade school, or I’da been in the principal’s office for sayin, “Fuck you Mrs. Koepper. Fuck you jauntily.”


About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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78 Responses to J is for Just Sayin

  1. orbthefirst says:

    Jury, Jaundice, and Janet.
    Never dated a Janet. Always liked that name, but could never find anyone that wasnt 20 years older than me with it.
    Just sayin. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Liked by 1 person

  2. baldjake70 says:

    I have never had an issue with my first name. The last name is a different story entirely. It is like they do not know the rules. For the love of the gods, if you cannot pronounce it, then spell it. I know how my name is spelled, I will let you know who I am once you do so. It beats the hell out of me not responding because you are too damn ignorant to pronounce my name correctly, and you thinking that I am not here.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hmmmm …. Justice, Jockey, Jeremiah. There. Three words with J’s. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I would be one of those Jennifers. There were at least 2 of us in all my elem. school classes.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Benson says:

    I used to have issues with my first name in Grade School. I grew out of it slowly as I entered High School. A jaunty fuck!? Haven’t we all had one of those in our time? I rather like Joelle. It sounds like a missing member of Superman’s family.
    For God’s sake, keep a grip on it, Janet.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. blogmomrocks2 says:

    Try names that start with the letter ‘Y’. It’s Yvonne, not Yvette.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ally Bean says:

    Jazz. Juniper. Jell-O. Three words that start with J. Jules. Justine. Jasmine. Three names that start with J. I like this game, just saying…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Girth & Grace says:

    Jaded, Jesting, Juxtapose! This Jennifer sends her regards! โ™ฅ

    Liked by 1 person

  9. jan says:

    Everyone knows that J starts for Jan, Just Jan, Jolly Jan and Jumping Junipers Jan

    Liked by 1 person

  10. kirizar says:

    I envied the names which began with swooping letters. The fat, roundness of J in its cursive form is a warm hug of self-satisfaction. Instead, I was saddled with the letter K–it is the clumsy colt of letters, with legs sticking out at odd angles like it is kicking a pesky fly. It is elbows flying–a visual karate chop. Kittens would climb its branches and slip the slope which forms a wye in the center of its angular salute. It is a tricky letter because it sounds like C sometimes (or vice versa). For example, carapace is a devious word that hides its consonantal-K plosives behind a more pleasant curving letter the way a beetle hides wings beneath a hard, candy coating shell. C often steals the lead from the reclusive letter K. That is when K is heard at all. Sometimes, K is a coward and huddles behind the valiant N who protects it; knees, knights and knots want nothing to do with the actual letter K. Kingfishers, Krill and Kilimanjaro would laugh if they knew they shared the same spot in the alphabet with known, knitting and knickerbockers. (Though the latter word tries to make up for its silent start with a double-punch coughing K stuttering through the middle and end.) Perhaps we are born to the names we are given, or we are defined by their inherent nature. You, the J-spawned jumping, joyous, jade and jasper jewel, having the occasional stumble over foreign Jalapenos perhaps will have sympathy for the indecisive, crisscrossed character my K-name possesses. And that would be just keen.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Judy Martin says:

    Jelly, jolly, jamboree! It is not easy thinking up ‘J’ words although there are loads of ‘J’ names! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dan Antion says:

    Wow. I don’t mind clicking the ‘Like’ button and I usually like to leave comments, but this it kind of homeworky…just sayin’

    Daniel – Dangerous

    Jackass (no offense, it’s just one of my favorite words)

    Notice the obvious

    Liked by 3 people

    • joey says:

      Oh my goodness, almost no one understood me. LOL
      I was complaining about having to do these things in elementary school. Those were things asked of us. I hadn’t realized HOW this was interpreted!
      Acrostics with D had to be better, easier ones!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. J is a great letter for a name. Just look at the Duggars. Joyfully, opening, everything, yours.


  14. Spanglish Jill says:

    It’s not easy being J. No way Josรฉ.. I’ve been called Joe, Jeel, Hill, Gel and I was always asked “Where’s Jack?” Whether a Jen-tile, Jew, Jehovah or Jah-lovah – no mattah – just don’t go tellin people yer a Jihadi.
    Just sayin…

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Anxious Mom says:

    No one ever had trouble pronouncing my name, but the misspelling can be annoying. It’s one thing if you just got to know me, but if we share DNA you should know how to spell by the time I’m 32!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Josh Wrenn says:

    Jazzy, Justice, Jesus? – Josh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Are you jazzy, justice, and Jesus, Josh? How did you handle your grade school acrostics?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Josh Wrenn says:

        Usually just did one for each letter of the name. I think my J word was usually something like joyful or something like that. But I like Jazzy Justice and Jesus. Because Jazzy is cool. I have a strong sense of Justice. And well, I am obviously the messiah! Hehe.

        Liked by 1 person

  17. larva225 says:

    Fuck you jauntily ought to be emblazoned on Tshirts and coffee mugs everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Luanne says:

    Well, that’s a new way of using jauntily! My mom and I were playing that bananagrams game and we were both getting so frustrated with the freaken Js they stick in that game. I finally had enough and said we had to get rid of the god damn Js out of our lives because NOTHING starts with a J. And, yes, I said it emotionally. My mom reminded me her name is Janet.
    My daughter’s middle name is Jennifer . . . . I wanted it to be Jen, after my great aunt Jen, but hubby said if it was Jen he wanted it to be Jennifer.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. John Holton says:

    Jingle, jerboa, Judea. We never had teachers who made us write acrostics. Probably just as well.

    “Fuck you jauntily.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I’ll have to remember that one…

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Jacinta, Juanita, Jolanda, and Jose. (I grew up out west.) jumpin Jehoshaphat Joey, don’t be so worked up about having a J name.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. dalecooper57 says:

    I like the way you juggled that jumble of juxtapositions. Jackpot!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. joannesisco says:

    Good grief, I’m glad we didn’t have to do acrostics when I was in school. I had enough trouble just learning how to cursively write my name. God, I HATED the letter J ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Pistachios says:

    Random fact: Last time I checked, there are no drug names (registered in Australia) starting with the letter J. There are a few brand names, but no actual drug molecules. I always thought that was weird coz I like the letter J, and think it works well with names.
    Hmm… some of my favourite J words: jovial, jacaranda, judicious, justification…

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Liz Brownlee says:

    ๐Ÿ™‚ My brother is Jeremy. Juice. Jollity (I love that word) jangle, jingle, joke, jewels, jaguar. Ooh, Jet! I love J words, they rock! ~Liz http://www.lizbrownleepoet.com


  25. Whenever anyone says “Judy” I know to look around for a ‘mature’ woman of my age. Judy Garland didn’t do any of us a favor. And, my daughter’s name is Jennifer. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Hmm…I like Judy, but you’re right, I can’t think of any young Judys or Judiths…
      Jennifer is classic. I think half the women my age are called Jennifer…lotsa Angelas and Amandas as well…

      Liked by 1 person

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