One-Liner Wednesday — Variations on a List

I wish my grocery list was a one-liner. Even a one-columner.

I can remember when my grocery list was like:
cat food
In fact, I found such a list on a post-it in my fancy raincoat about five years into family life…Oh how I laughed!



When I get home after working and shopping, THERE WILL BE FIVE TEENAGE GIRLS HERE. I’d better add some junk food, huh?


One-Liner Wednesday is brought to you by LindaGHill

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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54 Responses to One-Liner Wednesday — Variations on a List

  1. For the longest time, while we had kids at home, I had a printed grocery list with copies pinned to the bulletin board in the kitchen, organized by categories. The system was for you to circle whatever you had just used up or had noticed was almost empty. If you put a question mark beside the circle, it meant you hadn’t gone down to the basement to check if we had a stash (husband is magnificent shopper). Worked rather well, and husband would shop easily from it.

    Now it’s just us – and we’re back to the Post It list. Still use the ? because I rarely make the effort (too many stairs), and we don’t have a second refrigerator down there, just a freezer and many shelves.

    A handwritten note for anything special, and it was as easy as shopping could get (for me). In gratitude, I always pop down to the kitchen to put things away when he comes home with the loot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Nice! The Mister does the shopping fairly often, but most importantly, I never have to carry it all in 🙂
      I used to have an app on my Blackberry, but I felt like it took way longer to hunt out the items, so I stopped using it.


  2. Yes. Should include chocolate. Next question. 🙂

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  3. We always have a shopping lit a mile long and there are only 3 of us! 🙂

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  4. ghostmmnc says:

    I find old grocery store lists, and reminder notes all the time. It’s funny to read them. I see ice is at the top of your list. Ice is always at the top of ours, too! 🙂

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  5. Ally Bean says:

    At one time, when home computers were new, I made a grocery list template that we printed out weekly, then highlighted what we needed to buy. I even had things in the order that they were in the grocery. For years we used that list template, but then the store was remodeled and we began to eat a wider variety of things so we went back to jotting down what we need on a piece of paper.

    Now I find our handwritten list to be a charming throwback to simpler times, but when we both were super busy my list template saved the day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Wonderful! I was telling Alicia, I used to have a Blackberry app for it, but over time, I found it’s faster just to think about what Imma cook and what I’ll need.
      We do keep a running short list, and The Mister tends to pick those up. 🙂


  6. bikerchick57 says:

    Isn’t cat food and Coke always on your list?

    Bring ice cream home to those girls. Something with chocolate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      It’s not. You’d think though, right? I’m into Coke 0 with cherry lately, but mostly tea, cause LAWD it’s hot! I order the cat food online.
      I ended up with six girls, and I’m sorry I didn’t get ice cream. They got hot fries, Dove bars, and Mountain Dew.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. pluviolover says:

    Short list: beer, chips, ice cream, coffee, milk, apple fritters, and so we look good–salad and some fruit. Text me if you need anything.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dan Antion says:

    Your list looks so organized! And, I can read it.

    I am not usually exposed to one, unless my wife or daughter is sick, and I’m doing shopping. That usually results in several passes up and down each aisle. No organization.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I like how you organize items into categories. Good strategy for efficient shopping. 🙂

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  10. I love grocery shopping with Sarah. We usually have a list so we know the shelves and the total cost before we shop. However, sometimes we just go ahead with impulsive shopping too. Sometimes discipline, sometimes not.

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  11. lol. I had teenage boys eating cereal in my house at 3 a.m. It was an unplanned sleepover and I dwindle down the food to nothing right before we leave on vacation. They are lucky there was milk!
    I am, however, the queen of grocery shopping procrastination and tend to go daily and buy a day or two at a time. I’m a very familiar face in my local Kroger. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I know, right? I ended up with six girls instead of five, and I feel like although it was a bit spontaneous, it was a good day for it, cause I had a trunk full! 🙂
      I dwindle before vacation, too. That’s smart!
      You shop totally different from me, I don’t think I could shop like you until it’s just us two.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I didn’t shop like that until we moved here. I think it started because I needed to find a reason to leave the house. Now I need to change back! lol

        Liked by 1 person

        • joey says:

          My parents are basically fresh shoppers, and always have been. But I hated it growing up, everything so bare, waiting for dinner…
          In theory I’d love to buy things day by day, but I pretty much only do that for fish. I like to feel stocked-up.

          Liked by 1 person

  12. John Holton says:

    My stepfather (God rest his soul) got to where he had a typewritten form with everything they usually bought, and he’d just cross out the things he didn’t need and add the the things he did. The guy was organized.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Elbows? As in the knee bone connects to the shin bone…? Like that?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Nice to organize by store department…I do that too ! Love your printing, by the way. My lists are much smaller now, we use post-it notes at home and pick up stuff as we need it…lots of small orders. I buy most stuff at farmer’s markets and make up my mind when there, unless I have a special event planned. We are more flexible, but eat well. It matters.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I’m liking that for you 🙂 I think when we are two, we will be more… spontaneous and continual.
      I had what ended up being six girls tonight instead of five, and then we have a reunion this weekend, and you KNOW I’m not gonna wanna go to the store on my one free day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. loisajay says:

    You have beautiful handwriting!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Erika says:

    I admire your organization. Little Man would be most impressed with your grocery list, as much as he complains about mine. “Bread…milk…taco stuff…” gets a “Why aren’t these in order [by aisle]” and “why would you put ‘taco stuff’?!”

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Benson says:

    Do teen girls eat as much as teen boys? I just have a list of “must gets”. For the most part I like to free style when I shop. I did the same thing when my boys were young, just bought 3 times more stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Joanne Sisco says:

    The one thing I really miss about working life was that Gilles did all the grocery shopping and cooked dinner during the week.
    Now I have to do it and I’m fond of neither – list or no list :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      As my hours at work increase, there is more of The Mister picking things up. (He also works close to the Meijer, big box store.) I always appreciate it — And may he never do the cooking. He cooks takeout just fine! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Can you also remember the days when you only went to one store to do grocery shopping? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. reocochran says:

    Omg! I used to make only a list of necessities, which would be horrible to leave and have to come back to get! Now, I just stroll the aisles and put things in. Usually simple life and food choices.
    I love berries, salads and yogurts every day in the summer. I make a can of tomato soup and add onions, oregano and basil and cook, wait till onions are soft and cooled, then drink a cup of this like a cheap gazpacho. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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