SoCS — Shortcut

I take shortcuts every day. Sometimes, multiple times a day.

I live in the city, not the suburbs. I live on a dead end street where a lot of people don’t even think there are streets. We had no idea there was a neighborhood back here and when we told people where we were moving, a few people argued that we must be mistaken!

It’s so small and secluded that we all see the comings and goings of our neighbors from our picture windows and like a small town, we know when you’re an outsider.

Our street traffic is minimal: half residents, half lost drivers.

If you’re on foot, someone unwelcoming will open their front door and yell out, “CAN I HELP YOU? ARE YOU LOST?”

There is a price to be paid for tucked-away city nature on interstate-adjacent land.

Leaving my street during rush hours is PERILOUS. If you’d like to turn right, you can, eventually. Theoretically, you can merge across four lanes in less than a quarter mile, or merge across two lanes in a half mile — if you’re feeling brave, invincible, or suicidal.
That is the most direct route to anything north of here, including I-69N and I-65N, but like I said, not during rush hours.

Turning left is a PERILOUS JOKE during rush hours. It’s battling a busy intersection on one side or the incoming interstate traffic from the other. There’s a school across the street, so sometimes the line of traffic extends beyond and you literally cannot turn left, in which case, if you have plenty of time, you can turn right to turn left.
Again, it’s the most direct route to anything south of here, including downtown, I-70, and I-65S, but not during rush hours.

So you’d ask, “If you can’t turn right and you can’t turn left…”
NO, YOU CANNOT GO STRAIGHT. Maybe at 3am, but otherwise, NO. Oh, wait, are you Speed Racer? Non? Then NO.

You do what we do, which is drive through alleys and parking lots and secret streets even shorter than our own. Every day, sometimes multiple times a day.
No map app would tell you to do it, but it’s faster and safer and far easier on your nerves.

Instead of seeing your life flash before your eyes or the chaos of turn signals and brake lights, you’ll see children, birds, squirrels, bunnies, and cats.

It means quiet times when you get to turn right or left are extra special.

One thing I can say about driving at 5:20am, I make that trip in three minutes instead of five and I never almost die.

Somewhere, there’s someone sayin, “If you can get there in three minutes, you should just walk,” and I must remind people this is a city, that it’s illegal to walk on the interstate, and the walk time is actually 37 minutes (43 for teenagers).
I found the shortcuts on foot.
For walkers, there are two PERILOUS sections, three if you don’t take the shortcuts.


Stream of Consciousness Saturday — SoCS ‘shortcut/ cut short’ is brought to you by LindaGHill

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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56 Responses to SoCS — Shortcut

  1. JoHanna Massey says:

    Good Saturday Morning Joey. I think many of us who live in areas that can get congested with traffic have personal ‘alternative routes.’ Sounds delightful to be tucked away. Own little oasis. Enjoyed this post very much. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Like your photos, especially of the curly thing. We call them surface streets out here, which are not freeway. I often prefer the surface streets because you avoid more crazy drivers that way and they are usually pleasant drives. I just noticed your NaNoWriMo badges. I am not NaNo-ing but did you get published?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. John Holton says:

    Those map apps will take you right into the teeth of rush hour. You’re better off coming up with your own routes. You know the area, the people who design the map apps don’t. My guess is you don’t have GPS, or it’d be screaming at you “WHERE THE F— ARE YOU GOING?!” Come to think of it, that would probably be more enjoyable than whatever they have on the radio at that hour…

    Liked by 3 people

    • joey says:

      I use Google maps on my phone sometimes — particularly when picking up other people’s kids, all these windy new additions. But not usually something I use. YES, they are so bossy! So bossy!
      I have an iPhone dock and cds in the car 🙂


  4. scr4pl80 says:

    LOL “I almost never die” I take shortcuts too when I can but my biggest shortcuts are on my Word program when I am doing my transcription work and I can type “awa” and have it print “as well as” or “osa” and have it type “obstructive sleep apnea.” I once had a shortcut that spit out a whole paragraph with just a few character strokes. Saves my fingers a lot of work! Happy Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. eschudel says:

    Yeah. I try to avoid Peril as much as I can too!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. JT Twissel says:

    My street is also generally quiet – unless the nearby freeway is congested and people are looking for a detour which is definitely not a shortcut.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can’t even imagine.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Can’t believe you’re even alive, not found dead of starvation in your car at the corner!! When the girls were learning to drive, my husband took them out and only had them do right turns. Much safer and less traumatic that way, for both learner and teacher. Recently I read that UPS is having their drivers only do right turns, finding it saves them time even if the distance is a bit longer. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Laura says:

    Your shortcuts sound seriously life saving. Plus everyone hates the interstate anyway. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Benson says:

    Don’t you just Love shortcuts. Are you selfish with the info or do you offer freely?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. loisajay says:

    Don’t you just love all the back roads no one else knows? Great post, Joey!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. JoAnna says:

    There’s no place like home. Except when you’re feeling adventurous. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Dan Antion says:

    Good thing it’s illegal, walking on the interstate would not be a good idea. If I didn’t leav for work an hour early, I’d be taking back roads and alleys and shortcut after shortcut.

    Good job with the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ooh.That’s rattling my nerves some. I’m glad you have solutions to navigate. I’d be right behind you. Or leading the parade, shortcut-wise, if it meant avoiding the interstate and/or lefthand turns. I’d do anything to avoid a lefthand turn.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. “I never almost die”…glad to hear it. I love taking back roads, with or without kids, bunnies, etc. Highway driving around here…ridiculous. Everyone is a Speed Racer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Oh that’s a shame. Yeah, I’m a secondary road person when I can be. It may take longer at times, but it’s just plain nicer, and there are better views!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Pistachios says:

    Just reading about your roads made me nervous. Quite a contrast to the lovely, serene photos though

    Liked by 1 person

  17. marianallen says:

    I read “almost never die,” too, and I laughed. Then I read it properly, and I laughed again. 😀

    Charlie (my mister) loves the surface streets. He taught me all kindsa longcuts (they take longer, but they’re quiet and pleasant and not traffic-congested) in Louisville. Over here, I’m out more, so I’m the one who finds the “wiggly-woggly ways,” as I call the ones that go this way and that way instead of straight.

    My map app lets me specify Avoid Interstates and Avoid Tolls which, now that Louisville has toll bridges and not-toll bridges, is key.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Thanks! Yes, the wiggly-woggly ways are the best around here! My favorite is the back way north, through hills and trees galore.
      All this talk of us getting toll roads has me grumbling.

      Liked by 1 person

      • marianallen says:

        I’m like, “I don’t mind paying to go home, but paying to go work is insult to injury.” Then I think, “Would I pay double the toll to go home? Yes? Then I’ll just think of it that way.” But I’d rather avoid the toll. I mean, that’s part of what my taxes are for, innit?

        Liked by 1 person

        • joey says:

          Well don’t you remember the LOTTO was supposed to be the road cure?!? How about we use the monies more responsibly?!? Ugh. I dunno. The one thing I hate about going to Chicago is toll roads. I need my quarters for Aldi! And what if they put the tolls in commuter areas? Everyone will be on my wiggly-woggly roads! I dunno. We’ll see.

          Liked by 1 person

  18. markbialczak says:

    You go your own way, Joey. Sounds perfect to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. AmyRose🌹 says:

    LOVE your photography, Joey! I absolutely LOVE your perspective. Way cool. As for back roads I’m all for it. I do the same thing, zigging and zagging to avoid the busy intersections. We USED to live in country … you know quiet. Then the contractors (those greedy SOBS) grabbed up the land and voila now we have subdivision after subdivision making traffic a nightmare. Just getting out of my driveway sometimes I MUST take chances. Good thing I know how to drive defensively and push the pedal to the medal. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!! I’ve been MIA on WP. Life is just too good sometimes to be here. LOL 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Your way sounds right up my street, and it’s pretty…full of nature too!

    The older I get the pickier I’m getting about which left turns I’ll make, and which on/off Freeway ramps I’ll use. I will go out of my way to make a safer to me turn or route. He-Man isn’t there yet, but he’s patient most the time with my longer routes cause we like almost never dying too while driving. 🙂


  21. Coming here from your b&w post, I’m just mmmmmm-ing and oooh-ing, especially at the blooming tree but all these are lovely and glorious and colourful as the nature intended. ❤ Arty farty black and whiteys can do their thing and we'll do ours. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Joanne Sisco says:

    Your street sounded absolutely idyllic … until you mentioned the interstate. Ugh. Traffic in Toronto has become so bad, it feels like rush hour all the time 😕
    I like the sound of all the little back roads much better. Bunnies, birds, and a peaceful pace … it doesn’t get much better.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. The thing I loved about learning my way around here was finding all the alternative routes that avoided the congested parts of the city! When I move to a new town, I always drive trying to learn the lay of the land. Nature in the city is nice though! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  24. pluviolover says:

    We’ve moved often, planning another soon. Wife is “shortcut finder.” She was driving to lunch with one her friends who quipped, “Oh, you’re one of those!”
    Different time, a lady who had lived in that town most of her life asked wife, “Do you know where we are going? Well. this is not the way. You’re getting us lost.”
    To me, being anti-shortcut is right up there with pro-flat earth. As a kid, I thought short cuts as critical as secret handshakes and club passwords. You had to know them all.

    Liked by 1 person

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