JusJoJan — 4

It’s cold and snowy here. I dunno what the temp is now, but it was 1 about an hour ago. Our street has been a sheet of ice for well over a week now.


I’m happy. I like it. I do.
I’d rather it be around 30 and constantly snowing, magically not accumulating much, but truly, I am a winter person.
I’m not a fan of dangerous biting wind, or when I don’t feel my feet until the thick socks go on, but it’s still better than bein hot.

Last night I watched some of Frozen Planet again before bed. (David Attenborough has a way, doesn’t he? I’d listen to that man narrate anything.)

Oh. So. Pretty. Oh snow and ice and more ice with icebergs and more ice! Ooh, Ahh! With awe, I watched the glacier move again. I’m particularly mesmerized by the melt lakes and the incredible, stunning color of the water. I reckon that’s the source of ‘arctic blue.’
My favorite part is watching the birth of snowflakes. Is that not an astoundingly beautiful natural wonder?!?
I can watch some of these episodes hundreds of times and never tire of them.

I am grateful I can watch them from the warmth of my bed, toasty feet and all.


Just Jot It January is brought to you by LindaGHill


About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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47 Responses to JusJoJan — 4

  1. Ritu says:

    I’m jealous I want snow… and snow days… instead of sick days!


  2. loisajay says:

    So very poetic! Be careful on that ice, Joey.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. eschudel says:

    Yes…very pretty. But I’m glad I don’t have to shovel it any more!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Joey, you really need to move to New England where you could be ecstatically happy in the winter. 🙂 Notice – I didn’t hit ‘like.’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Benson says:

    Snow is like other peoples kids. Great to look at but not so much to deal with. You are going to get your weather for at least one more week. Yay?

    Liked by 3 people

    • joey says:

      Nice analogy! I’m really looking forward to the forecast 30’s. I’m sorta tired of waddling over the ice and being cramped by gloves. I get my weather until like, April-ish 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dan Antion says:

    It is so much better to bundle up and deal with winter than it is to try to find ways to stay cool in the heat of summer. We are being covered in a big bunch of snow today. I’ll have to deal with the driveway and making paths when it’s done, but that’s OK.

    Stay warm and enjoy the show/snow.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s snowing most of the day here in NJ, and I’m biting my tongue about NOT reminding my husband I wanted to be retired to a CCRC in Southern California before this winter happened. I am not happy – and worry about him going out there with the snowblower. I can’t help (no energy, and I am not vertically stable), and he has an eye patch over one eye right now.

    I worry about the birds when there seems to be nothing to eat, and no running water. We leave the perennials’ debris – seed heads on even the black-eyed Susan’s – but I’ve seen the birds strip a bush on the first cold day, and wonder what they survive on the rest of the winter which is just starting.

    And I worry about homeless people who are afraid of shelters, and disabled people who, like me, have a much harder time getting around – people aren’t good with removing snow and ice.

    But it IS pretty.

    Liked by 2 people

    • darsword says:

      I’m with you!!!

      Liked by 2 people

    • joey says:

      I’m sorry you’re still stuck there. I feed my local wildlife, so I don’t worry about them — We do what we can for the humans, but like you, I do worry about them.
      Hopefully everything went alright with husband’s snowblowing?


      • Husband is still alive after snowblowing and shoveling. The bubble in his eye has baby bubbles, a possible happening when the head is moved too vigorously, but not probably dangerous. Just annoying – to him. I can’t see them. Consequences? Minor.

        As for feeding wildlife – that requires getting dressed an going outside and dealing with bags of stuff, all things I have to avoid as much as possible. I hope other people are feeding them.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Donnalee says:

    We only moved to upstate NY this year, and I LOVE that we still have seasons here. It is also snowing, been snow on the ground since christmas day, and I feed and give water to the fat little birds and squirrels and chippies on the back patio to keep them going. I put out a stainless steel baking pan and refill it with water from the kettle when it freezes, so they can drink at least sometimes, since I read it is the nicest thing you can do for them in winter. Yay winter, and yay being able to stay inside during it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Oh yes, that is VERY nice for birdies 🙂
      I’m a critter feeder myself.
      Thanks so much for stopping by with your pleasant words 🙂


  9. I enjoy all the seasons, but I’m mostly a Fall person. Snow doesn’t bother me, and it can be beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I do enjoy winter for the most part, Joey. I love having snow, but these constant below zero temperatures I could do without. Below freezing is OK. At least I can go out in the for long enough to get a good walk in. I love wearing sweaters and warm socks and those flannel-lined jeans that are such a God-send. A cup of hot tea is always welcome, along with a good book. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  11. Laura says:

    I hear you. I’m never as grateful for my soft warm bed as when I hear the temp overnight will hit 8 degrees.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. scr4pl80 says:

    Sometimes I feel deprived that I don’t have snow but then again I think about all the work involved shoveling it and the cold and I am glad that I am where I am. I can go visit the snow if I need to see it so badly. Stay warm!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Shoveling, I don’t mind. SCRAPING my car is heinous. I hate that bit. Glad you’re happy to be where you are 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • scr4pl80 says:

        LOL I thought about this post/picture and others I have seen of the snow from back East when I went shopping this afternoon and in our store was a huge display for bathing suits 🙂 Posted it on instagram in fact because I had to laugh.

        Liked by 1 person

        • joey says:

          Right on! I’m always in the swim shop with #3, but it did seem odd the other day, walking through snow, all of us cursing our way to the door TO BUY A SWIMSUIT AND FLIPPERS. lol

          Liked by 1 person

  13. Luanne says:

    My goodness, I think you and my brother both belong in the North Pole. My mom can’t stay at his house for longer than 2.5 hours because the chill works its way into her old bones and she reaches her breaking point. His house is that way year round. I bet yours is too. The snow sure is pretty though!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Yes, I think our house is colder than most people like. When we have people over, I tend to strip down a bit and turn the furnace up.
      I do hate a chill in my bones. There are times, usually when it’s double digits below 0 for a while, I feel like I can’t get warm. It’s unpleasant. But still, I’d rather be too cold for days than to be too hot for a minute.
      Polar Me 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Luanne says:

        It’s actually comforting to know that you do have a lower limit on the cold. That proves that you are not from the Chiller channel. BTW, I am so bummed that it has been cancelled as that is where I found my cheesy disaster movies. But that’s a whole nother subject. Yes, POLAR YOU. Even my mother said she knows that my blood is too thin now that I’ve been in Arizona, and that I wouldn’t be able to survive the Michigan winter this year.

        Liked by 1 person

        • joey says:

          That first winter back from Georgia, I thought I’d be in big trouble, but nope, I did just fine. My kids, not so much 😉
          Sorry about your Chiller channel. Netflix?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Luanne says:

            I have a problem with Netflix, unfortunately. It involves our complicated and old AV system, and I am avoiding watching shows on computer or iPad because my mom told me that people who look at screens the same distance away are getting vision problems. I can see where that would happen, and I am on the computer far enough. Sucks though because I share a Netflix account with my daughter.


  14. John Holton says:

    My personal favorite narrator was Richard Kiley. But I know what you’re saying about David Attenborough.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. jetgirlcos says:

    I like winter. Especially if I’m not working and have toasty feet like you. 🙂 Interesting point: it was colder in Atlanta this morning than it was in Colorado. What the heck?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. We had only a tiny bit of snow a week ago but the very cold temps hung around. I would rather have some snow with it because it doesn’t seem as cold. So far little wind, hate it too. I like winter for about a month and then I am ready for no more. LOL The picture is really pretty. I want to walk through that snow. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  17. pluviolover says:

    I agree with Benson. Nice to look at, but dealing with all of that is something I will let others do.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. prior.. says:

    now I am curious and will check out David Attenborough-

    and eeks – “snow on top of lots of ice…” is what we have here too

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Amy says:

    We have no snow…just cold. School’s been cancelled today because of ice. I’m guessing that’s in some remote corner of the mountain. The rain and warm up starts today. I need to watch some Frozen Planet. I do think winter is beautiful…from afar.

    Liked by 1 person

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