Just Jotting Share Your World 2016 #2

1. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?

Yes, of course. You almost kinda have to, don’tcha? It seems unlikely that we’d be the only planet with intelligent, sentient beings. Maybe they’re just like us, maybe they’re lil green men, maybe they’re space unicorns. My mind is open.

 How many places have you lived? You can share the number of physical residences and/or the number of cities.

Oh boy. Lemme get some scrap paper and I’ll get back with you.

I’ve lived at 24 different addresses in 42 years, 29 if you count the residences of my mother when I did not live with her full-time. I had weekend rooms there, I’m pretty sure those count.
Fun Fact #1 With my mother, I lived on the same road twice, two houses apart.
Fun Fact #2 Drew, Tori, HME and I all lived in the same apartment complex.
Fun Fact #3 I lived with the same guy twice — once as a boyfriend and then, 7 years later, not.
I’ve lived in one dorm (two rooms, same address) nine apartments, four townhouses, and the rest were homes.
I’ve lived in seven cities, six in Indiana and one in Georgia.
gee, it’s no wonder i don’t wanna move, huh?

3. If you were given $22 million tax free dollars (any currency), what is the first thing you would do?

Make a really, really long and thoughtful list. We all have one, don’t we? I’ve never put mine on paper.

4. The Never List: What are things you’ve never done? Or things you know you never will do?

I contend that one should never say never. Life is full of surprises. I’ll tell you one thing; I don’t play Never Have I Ever anymore, because I always end up smashed. #drunkernaskunk
I see now they’ve made it into a board game for those of us who are more Boy Have I Ever. This likely prevents a lot of alcohol poisoning.

5. Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful I finally had a day alone. It was so quiet. This weekend coming up celebrates the day I met my husband, 29 years ago, so we’ll probably talk about that for two minutes and then fall asleep before we even kiss one another goodnight. Maybe I’ll bake a pineapple upside-down cake or something else the children don’t care for.

vintage joey

drew made this for me


I’m participating in Cee’s Share Your World questionnaire for Just Jot it January, both are open to all who’d like to join.

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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44 Responses to Just Jotting Share Your World 2016 #2

  1. Judy Martin says:

    Some great answers there Joey. You HAVE moved around a bit, and I am not surprised that you want to stay where you are now!
    Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary, 29 years is definitely worth baking a cake for 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Benson says:

    So much traveling in one so young. You do indeed jot it down effortlessly. Just one question about those marsh mellow lasers. Do they shoot gooey marsh mellow or do they turn the targets into marsh mellow? I mean the answer would determine the alien’s intent. What is that Never Have I Ever you mentioned? Nice read.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I think they shoot the marshmallow puffs, because they’re benign, but then, I’ve never encountered a space unicorn 😉 You should show your lil ones the video, kids LOVE it.
      Never Have I Ever is a game where everyone gathers round a circle and everyone takes a turn. So I might say, “Never have I ever met a space unicorn.” Everyone who has met a space unicorn must drink, or must throw in a coin, or must lose a point. If no one has met a space unicorn, then the person who said it drinks (etc.) This goes on until everyone in the circle has Never Have I Ever-ed and much lively discussion ensues. It’s a fun game TO A POINT. lol

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ally Bean says:

    This post made me stop and count how many places I’ve lived. I’d never thought about it before. My total is 18. As for what I’m grateful for last week, it’d be being at home during the day by myself. So quiet, helped me focus + plan what I’m going to do next. As in concrete steps, not abstract vagaries this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have moved as much as my husband. Maybe to escape the hostile ET’s. Me, I’m pretty stationary. My husband became that way when he met me.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Holy moly you have lived in a LOT of places. You must be a professional packer at this point in your life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      You know what? I AM. And I’m super-fast at getting unpacked as well. The fastest was when we moved to Georgia. Household of six, four days, all done. Now I am older, (and decaffed) so here, 2.5 years ago, with a household of four, six days. But I can’t abide a mess, John. Just cannot. There comes a day when you need to know where your things are! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Josh Wrenn says:

    I like your #4. If anyone had asked me about things I would never do or had never done years ago, I would have some things. Now I really don’t know. I can say that I don’t see myself ever, but I can no longer say that I never. There is a difference I’ve realized.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dan Antion says:

    I’ve lived the past 32 years on the same street. We were renting a house and then we bought the house right next to it. I told people we weren’t old enough to cross the street.

    Liked by 2 people

    • joey says:

      LOL! That’s charming! I hope I live here until I live no more. I wouldn’t mind summer spent away, but I don’t want to move house again. Ever!


  8. You take the moving prize, Joey. You had me counting on both hands, but I’ve had 18 addresses in 12 cities across 6 different states. Our families used to complain about all the cross-outs in their address book. We were not military, but we moved almost as often, and found our friends among transients like ourselves. Not a bad way to live, all in all. No regrets. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Cee Neuner says:

    Thanks for sharing this week. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  10. cindy knoke says:

    S peaking to one, we of course can’t can’t be the only planet with intelligent life, and many days, I question the intelligent part, unless you are referring to animals. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Norm 2.0 says:

    Wow, that is an awful lot of moves: I’m so used to the opposite, I just couldn’t handle that. Props on all that packing/unpacking expertise 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. jan says:

    The houses I grew up in were all built by my father and they were all works in progress! (which made me a reno addict!)

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I can’t imagine moving that often! Hope you get to stay put for a long time 🙂 I am living at my second house on the same street. We lived at number 61 for 8 years and have lived at number 76 for 13 and counting! Prior to that I guess I lived in a few places counting the home I grew up in, college and a couple different apartments after college. Nothing compared to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Anxious Mom says:

    Ooh I love Never Have I Ever. I’ve gotta get that board game before we have another party.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ha a day alone! I dream of that too, lucky you.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. reocochran says:

    Coming back soon, just a hug and hi, Joey. Have you seen the posts rolling out ahead of my scheduled times, but they have the correct FUTURE dates on them! WTF! 😦


  17. garym6059 says:

    The Hoosier in me is dying to know what six cities you have blessed with your presence!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Haha! Indy, Kokomo, Franklin, Shelbyville, Noblesville, and Muncie 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • garym6059 says:

        There are place south of the Indy metro also. You know like beautiful Evansville LOL.

        Liked by 1 person

        • joey says:

          No, thank you. Not a fan of southern Indiana overall.
          I only lived in Indy, Muncie, and Noblesville by choice — the rest were all as a minor, so I had no say in the matter.
          Where have you lived?

          Liked by 1 person

          • garym6059 says:

            Grew up in Clarksville, vacationed (err went to school) in Bloomington for year, and then wound up in New Albany and currently moving to Madison.

            Liked by 1 person

            • joey says:

              New Albany is not bad, because I’m a fan of Louisville (don’t hit me.) I always go to the BP in New Albany before crossing the river, because the bridge is secretly slowing everyone’s cars and I’m not equipped to drive while peeing into the river.
              I find Madison charming, but of course, I’ve only been there a handful of times, and mostly for the regatta, so very touristy.
              Bloomington’s nice enough, with the diversity and the forest 🙂
              My husband’s family lives primarily in southern Indiana — Evansville, Jasper, Washington, Vincennes, and I do not belong there. Like a fish out of water.

              Liked by 1 person

              • garym6059 says:

                That southwest quadrant of Indiana is a different world. Louisville is actually pretty nice it’s the rest of that hilljack state that drives me batty. Downtown Madison is pretty cool, the rest of it is just like any other small-mid sized Indiana town. Wal-Mart, Kroger, Dollar General, etc… I was a young naive kid in Bloomington my B.A.C. was higher than my GPA for sure!

                Liked by 1 person

  18. now if you can just get the space unicorn to say “you’ll eat it and like it,” things will be smooth sailing. [lived in four different places during my eight years in Muncie]

    Liked by 1 person

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