Update, She’s Alive

I wrote a doors post last week. I didn’t actually post it, but dammit, I wrote one. This week, you get this:

I picked that up on Instagram, which I am more consistent with, but not dedicated.

What am I dedicated to? Well, there’s Scrabble. Oh, and Two Dots, which is a game people play when they want to hate themselves until they declare they’re brilliant strategists who then hate themselves harder — a vicious cycle of addiction. Also, there’s The Crown, new season now streaming. And of course my undying love of all things bed — pajamas, pillows, quilts, my husband.

Also, I have done some odd things, like clean my bathroom grout. I don’t really believe in clean grout, but I was already down there with the scrub brush. That might not happen again.

I need to find myself on a ladder cleaning out my gutters, but it is so much more fun to sit inside with the fam.

The season is upon us. No, not that season — Swim Season! This year we have two swimmers and we don’t even have to sit twice as long. In fact, all this really means is that we buy more food and that’s a small price to pay for a double dose of parental pride.

It’s darn near Thanksgiving and it might be time to thank your parents for the years they spent driving you wherever and just bleedin money left and right. I thanked my mother yesterday. All she could say was that she’s proud of all of us, but I’m sure it felt nice to be thanked. I wouldn’t know.

Things have been busy at work, too. Madness, actually. I’m experiencing clock shock. it’s two and i have 12 hours of work to do…. My desk is — my desk has actually never looked as it does now and if I don’t file soon — well, I don’t know that anything will actually happen. Perhaps the documents will wage war against the post-it notes?
I have a remote colleague I mainly communicate with via email. Ordinarily, I begin my email with “Hi Tilly, Attached please find…” The other day, we pinged back and forth so many times on such a variety of matters, she wrote that she was bouncing back and forth in the files and felt her head was also bouncing. I wrote, “Dear Tilly, I can’t see my desk anymore. If I see your head bouncing by, I’ll do my best to catch it.”
but fuck knows I won’t file it…

I wish I had bookmarked the post on how to get rid of this dreadful WP Block Editor. If you’d be so kind? No no, I figured it out. Oof. It keeps reverting. Dreadful.
Takes me back to cub reporting, but it’s 2019.

It’s cold now. Cold all the time. We had the snows and unfortunately, my scraper was taken out of Blanche for our trip to Florida this summer and when I left work, I had to clean Blanche off with A BEACH UMBRELLA. Heavier, but surprisingly effective. Today it’s going to be in the 50s. A heat wave. I’m going to celebrate by wearing my gold ballet flats. And by not wearing socks.

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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62 Responses to Update, She’s Alive

  1. GREAT doors joke. And it’s Thursday already?
    I recall the working days when heads were pinging – some could be fun, and at closing time, you feel like you accomplished something, slew the dragons, or whatever, victory is mine! forsooth.

    But when one leads into another and then to the next and with no thanks? No thanks.

    I do thank you for keeping in touch!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Thanks, Maggie! Today I got a lot done. It felt good. I can see small sections of my desk. The holiday is looming next week and I really don’t want to come back to chaos.

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  2. eschudel says:

    Open doors…LOL! And if you go to your dashboard, and look at the bottom on the left, you should see WP Admin – click on that to go back to the non-block, much better dashboard interface. That’s what I do anyway…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. loisajay says:

    Gold ballet flats–oh, my but aren’t we fancy! Bob and the great outdoors–what a riot! It is cold here in sunny Florida. Cold as in heat comes on about twice a day. Cold. Good to see you back, Joey.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dan Antion says:

    It’s always good to see you in the inbox (my inbox, not the one buried under that pile). It’s always a good idea to thank folks. I wonder sometimes if people think I’m weird for thanking them for their comments, but I appreciate them. We had frost here before the scrapers got back in the car. I used the defroster and windshield washer technique. An expensive way to clear the glass, but…

    Not gloating or anything, but when I was cleaning my office for the last time, I moved that big pile on my desk straight into one of those bigass locked recycle bins that the company comes and shreds. No regrets. Let the pile grow.

    Liked by 2 people

    • joey says:

      LMAO! Well, good for you! In my case though, my job is to build the files, so eventually someone gonna be lookin for stuff in the pile, and I can’t live like that, like people who get their clean clothes from a laundry basket. No can do! I made some progress today.

      Thanking people is a crucial part of living in gratitude. I appreciate your comments, too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dan Antion says:

        I did give the important stuff to the next person up. I don’t think I threw out anything critical. Besides, I’ve gotten a few emails, asking questions, so the first step seems to be to ask me rather than check any files (there are some).

        I’m glad you’re making progress. I know where I do like order, it’s unnerving not having it.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey, good to hear from you and know all is busy but well with you. Love the doors! Take a photo of the clean grout then you’ll always know you did it once. 🙂 Applause to you for thanking your Mom. That would be a thrill because I remember softball, swimming, volleyball, and basketball for twelve years. And, I definitely like Dan’s strategy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Thanks! I was waiting on the kids to get out of practice and thought about how my mother had to do that. She probably wanted to go home and take off her shoes and have a cocktail and do a crossword, but there she was, waitin on me! I don’t think it ever occurred to me once before then. It’s just what we do, right? But then I thought it would be nice to thank her.
      Dan’s strategy wouldn’t work for me unless I wasn’t coming back either! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Maggie says:

    Working and thinking about working and reading about working makes me want to use those out doors! I like retirement. I have not taken the plunge into the block editor yet. They will need to drag me kicking and screaming hanging on for dear life.

    I am certainly glad to see you here! Our granddaughter is a swimmer and I must say that takes some discipline. She has her drivers license now so at least her mom does not get up and take her to 6 AM practice anymore!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      That’s how you know you’re doin retirement right — you enjoy it! 😀
      Like all athletes, swimmers are a certain type of peoples.
      The Mister takes them in the am. The military life taught him he can get up before the rooster crows and not want to die before dinner. I have no such endurance.


  7. marianallen says:

    Someday, they will 1) thank you and/or 2) pay it forward by doing the same for their own kiddos. You’re a good Mom. I will come file for you. My price: a visit to that queso-everything place! lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Marian, I will text you the address. Dress warm — coffee and snacks are on us, but heat is hard to come by 😉 After, we will go to Los Rancheros for quesoeverything and margaritas! 😛
      They might thank me in 30-odd years. I never thought to thank my mother prior to Wednesday night, so who can say?

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Benson says:

    Great door post Joey; some of your best work. Oh a Thank You for all of the things you do and have not been Thanked for. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Bill says:

    Swim season(s).
    OM f-ing G! Long course, short course, high school, club teams, state championships, prelims, finals, sprints, endurance, stroke and turn, the sights, sounds, and smells of meets. I was a Meet Director, announcer, volunteer and volunteer recruiter (they liked to be called and asked and thanked too). Had three swimmers with 3 different practice times, two in high school at one time for four years.
    Will have them all here next week for T-day and to talk about their kids, none of which seem to be swimmers. Just thinking about it almost gives me a panic attack.
    Watched some Crown last night. Worth it!
    Liked the leaf pic. Did you take it?
    I never physically harmed a coach, for which I should get a good conduct medal, but Julie says she saw me throw one (Dave) into the pool. I did not! Chlorine can cause such hallucinations.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      LMAO! Bill! It’s like you’re THE Swim Dad! LOL Iconic! I’m not THAT involved. The Mister is a better Swim Mom than I am 😉 He’s so happy to be available for them — civilian life, Cat’s in the Cradle and all that, you know.
      I love The Crown. Is good stuff.
      I did take the leaf pic. I loooove leafeses ❤ Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Ally Bean says:

    I’ve been wondering what had become of you but figured you were up to your eyeballs in things. Doing them, organizing them, whatevering them. I haven’t started in on The Crown yet, that’s next week’s extravaganza in Chez Bean. Hang in there. Always good to see you here.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. JT Twissel says:

    Yes, feeding swimmers does have its challenges. Sorry that old desk is getting you down. Holidays things should calm down but then there’s all the end of year crap! Enjoy your heat wave.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Rivergirl says:

    Our weather has taken a turn to cold as well. We’ll have 50 tomorrow, so they say.
    Grout cleaning? That’s the number one reason I won’t have tile floors. Number two being they’re too damned cold tool walk barefoot on in the winter.
    Lovely leaf pic. I’m afraid those are all gone up here….

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I don’t mind the tile in the bathrooms. Is fine. And I don’t care about grout, but I had to clean part of it and then it wasn’t the same, and well, you know how that goes. However, I frickin hate my gorgeous porcelain tile in the kitchen. Hate. It. It’s ten times colder than the ceramics, hand to Dog.
      Our leafeses are still falling 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  13. scr4pl80 says:

    Nice to hear from you. I have gold ballet flats as well. I call them my “Vegas shoes” because that’s where I got them. Excited to hear the Crown is back. Now I just have to find some time to watch it. LOVE the color in that leaf. Have a great rest of your week!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Tara says:

    “…the documents will wage war against the post-it notes” Spoiler: The Post-It Notes(tm) will win.

    Sorry about all the busy, especially the work busy. As you know I’m recovering from similar work busy and damn if you weren’t correct with your two month recovery time frame (on week 5 now). Congrats on the shoes with no socks. Stay gold!

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Stayin gold! 😀
      I do feel the post-its have more power in their brevity than most docs have… also, I never ever draft my post-its with legalese…
      Yeah, you keep restin up your psyche and your spirit. And don’t forget to tell the Universe you want a door this time 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tara says:

        Good for you, Johnny, er Joey! (*OUTSIDERS REFERENCE NUMBER TWO)
        PLUS the Post-Its are colorful. Manila folders are so drab.
        Doing my best. It’s a journey. 🙂
        YEAH! A door, and a decent salary, and …. it’s gonna be longer than my longest kid list to Santa! YEAH!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  15. I’m calling off the search party.

    Also, I’m the tightest guy I know (with a nickel, that is) and even I will pay someone to clean my grout. Just sayin’…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Glad to hear you’re alive. Which reminds me I need to make a plan for when I’m not – just disappearing forever without letting anyone online know seems odd.

    But that’s planning ahead, and there is no time for that this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      No, no time for that, not for you! There really are bloggers I’ve wondered about — whether they just stopped being on social media or they stopped being on our plane of existence…


  17. Glad you’re still with us. Don’t let the desk get you down. Somehow it all seems to get sorted eventually.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. bikerchick57 says:

    Don’t worry about the papers covering your desk, Joey. It’s protective covering…from the dust. And if anything spills, the paper will soak it up, as long as it’s not really important paper. So, you’re saving your desk from harm.

    Anyhow, I hope the busy-ness dies down so you can relax and have a nice Thanksgiving dinner with family and gobble-gobble.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Welcome back, even if you can only drop in for a bit. I love the door meme/joke/cartoon/whatever they are now. I understand the driving part. There are so many things we do for our children, aren’t there?


    Liked by 1 person

  20. Susanne says:

    A new phrase to appropriate from you – clock shock. Brilliant! Always a treat to read how you’re handling the ticks and tocks of life, Joey.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I laughed so much through this post (probably annoying the male folk as it’s early on a Saturday morning and they’re all still in bed where they will no doubt remain until lunchtime). Hard to pick a favourite. The desk story was a ripper but I did love this subtle line: “…but I’m sure it felt nice to be thanked. I wouldn’t know.”

    Liked by 1 person

  22. markbialczak says:

    Good to see you swimming through the ups and downs of fall, Joey.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Prior... says:

    That comic brought a smile – thanks for that!
    And hope your bit of a heat wave was nice – rainy weekend here – blah.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. JoAnna says:

    Yes, it might be time to thank your parents, because they’re not going to be around forever. I can send thanks to my parents in heaven, but it’s nice to see their eyes when you say, thank you. I’m sorry about the paperwork, having been there and done that. Don’t let it make you crazy. The grout made me smile, because, “I don’t really believe in clean grout …. That might not happen again.” It’s satisfying to be able to see a job completed like that at least once.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. AmyRose🌹 says:

    Loved the illustration, Joey!! And what do you know? I AGAIN got kicked out of your blog! I am so irritated with WP! How many times does this make? Three? I followed AGAIN! Also in my reader many of the blogs that I follow with their latest post I’ve already liked but I did NOT! How does that happen? Seriously? Editor …. I to this day use the original one and will not budge from it!

    The Crown …. I was riveted! I watched the entire third season. The acting is so phenomenal there were many times I forgot I was not watching the royal family. JUST WOW!

    Busy ….. yesterday I ran so hard and so fast to get me out of here to get to the gym but finally at 11:45am I just gave up. Hubby actually mentioned that he could not believe what I do and keep doing for hours on end. It’s a miracle that I do get to that gym!

    Hey send those 50’s my way. We’ve had SNOW already!!!

    Have a great Monday!!! xoxoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Matt Roberts says:

    I’m so glad to see your words. How I miss them. I’m glad all is well, but you sound busy! I feel that way, too, but when I look back on it all I see that it’s actually not a lot. And then I feel like, where’s the time going? Am I being abducted every day and losing time at the same time? I hope you and yours the very best of holidays this year! All of them! Even that one!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Amy says:

    I’m glad you were able to pop in for a bit. I love Scrabble. I’ve not heard of Two Dots. I’ll have to see what that one is all about. We’ve had some cold and another wave on the way, but I did fit in wearing my ballet flats on the few warm ones. I hope that you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving, Joey! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Loving your outdoors. 😀 And *whispers*: there is a new Scrabble game waiting for you for a few weeks now. Hope you find it!

    Liked by 1 person

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