Too Cold for Kitties

On Friday, there was talk about a “snowstorm.” In case you hadn’t noticed, we all must be afeart of weather now.



Weather is relative. If you tell me we’re going to have a snowstorm here in Indy, I think this means we’re gonna have feet of snow, not inches. I think thundersnow. I’ll think about shoveling the cars out. I’ll expect the wind to blow hard enough to loosen siding from the garage, maybe some snow squalls. I’ll think about potential power outages, branches down, dangerous driving conditions, people snowed-in.

As is the norm now, in preparation of the alleged snowstorm, everyone went out and bought too much bread and milk, salt melt choices had been picked over, events were canceled, and people spoke of closing smaller businesses Saturday.

Because, and I quote, “5-8 inches of snow and MAYBE EVEN MORE!”
What?!? That’s like, normal, expected.

The snowstorm was 14 hours late and for those 14 hours, we had rain. Not freezing rain, just rain. Temps hovered around 34 and it rained. It almost melted all the snow we had.

The Mister took Sassy to the gym. Moo went to her boyfriend’s. We spent the day at a gentle pace, enjoying the quiet. I made some grilled cheese, read some Jeeves.

My photo prompt was ‘fence’ and I thought I’d get that photo once the snow had made it prettier. The sun went down, the snow came. I took Sadie out, took a photo of the fence.


It was cold. It was noticeably colder. Temps had fallen to the teens and the wind blew biting. It wasn’t too bad for backyard travel, but I wouldn’t wanna drive in it.

I worried about Moo’s safety in the drive home. I reasoned that Mrs. Boyfriend’s Mother drives a sturdy vehicle and that between our house and theirs, it’s flat straight, busy road.

The Mister left to collect Sassy from the gym (about 10 minutes away) and about 40 long minutes later he sent me this:


Oh did he laugh and laugh. Bastard.

I thought when we got up today, maybe there’d be more snow. Not so muches.


Umm, we got more snow last weekend, without all the hype.
Also, while I went out to get that picture for y’all, someone snuck out for a first taste. I was not the only one barefoot in the snow, I just came back in the house a lot quicker than he did.



In conclusion, not a snowstorm, but too cold for kitties.


About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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44 Responses to Too Cold for Kitties

  1. Jewels says:

    I hate how hyped up the weather forecasters are these days – all my people freak out when there’s the slightest chance of snow and I’m like, I’ll believe it when I see it. There has not been nearly enough snowfall so far this winter for my liking. But I guess that’s okay since we don’t have a shovel guy anymore and I can’t get into my garage to get mine – dead bolt is jammed and electric garage door opener is on the fritz. Aw poor kitty wants back inside lol!

    Liked by 2 people

    • joey says:

      He was out there for a good bit. Leapt off the porch and roamed around.
      We haven’t had much snow either. Not a normal amount. Maybe because we haven’t, people forget what it used to be like?
      That’s a pity about your doors. Our electric door is also wonky. We haven’t been able to use it for years. Even on manual, it’s not reliable, so we don’t use it. One day, replace, for now, best not to break it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Benson says:

    Too cold for any living being. I would prefer 30’s and snow than teens and clear. Stay warm.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. loisajay says:

    They do that with hurricanes here, too. Oh, the water, bread and canned beans people….. OK, people, the National Weather Service people have warned you….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. eschudel says:

    Too cold for me too!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. scr4pl80 says:

    We get the same over prediction for rain. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  6. JT Twissel says:

    Brrr. Fourteen hours of rain – of my. That would cause real problems out here in California. Mudslides.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. marianallen says:

    You got more snowses than we did. Slightly more than a dusting. Not enough for the neighbor kids to play in. I was hoping a wee li’l bit that I’d be snowed in on Wednesday, ’cause I have a doc appt on Weds, and I dread the weigh-in. I haven’t seen her for two years, and I’ve gained approximately three tons of weight since then. After Mom passed, there was much eating and little walking. She did bustle me about! I’ve broken out the walking machine so hup!hup!hup! Wonder if I can shed three tons by Weds?

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I should think that if you do not eat anything but drink tons of water, and cut all your hair, nails, and toenails, and don’t wear any jewelry and only wear light clothing, and use the walking machine 8-10 hours a day, today, and three more days, you can lose about one ton. But you’ll probably be in terrible health by the time you arrive to the doctor.
      Grief is hard, Marian. Try not to judge yourself too harshly.
      ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. He looks kind of wrung out. Probably needs a blankie. We have a weather woman I can’t stand. She is constantly telling us what to wear. I’ve got an idea, she can wear that shit and I’ll stay home today.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Donnalee says:

    Yeah, it’s really creepy to me how the media and internet tries to make everyone afraid of normal winter weather. We got maybe six inches of snow, here in lower-upstate NY in January, which is what always happened back when we had seasons, and when it’s icy, don’t drive if you can avoid it, and when it’s snow, drive carefully. It’s sort of duh. Our cats stay in, so I feel bad for that one in the photo. Even our squirrels have been hiding out lately, although the birds came by for some of the millet we put out in the yard for them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Oh, don’t feel bad for Cletus. He was out exploring of his own will and I suppose he enjoyed it until he got cold, then he showed back up at the door. He’s an indoor kitty, but I think curiosity got him 😉
      Right, you are so right! People used to be more sensible, did they not? I am galled at the number of people who think every snow is a reason to panic and I’m furious the weather reports feed into that!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Joanne Sisco says:

    Just the same, I’m glad it was all hype. I’m not interested in Snowmeggedons anytime soon.
    Poor kitty though. That is one very dejected looking fur-face.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Me too. I hope the roads are good tomorrow when I go in.
      Kitty was so confused. He wanted to explore but it’s very cold and so I suppose he decided being warm was better than being curious.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Susanne says:

    Your inches came here in centimetres. Cold as the antarctic, too. Penguin land. I have not been outside yet and it looks like I won’t be going. Too blowy. The weather forecasters said the storm would swing south of us. Clearly weather forecasting is not an exact science.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. bikerchick57 says:

    You would think living in the frozen, snowy tundra of Wisconsin that no one would freak about forecasted apocalyptic weather. But we do. People go out and buy groceries for two weeks. So far this winter, though, we haven’t had any major snowstorms, only the current freezing cold weekend in the low teens and wind chill wind. No one stays home for wind chill…except the kitties.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Bill says:

    I live north of Austin, about 30 miles. It is relative. But I refuse to give the excess-drama performances of the local, too-proud, weather teams a pass. I am not kidding. Exaggerated waiving of arms, serious eyebrow raising, and looking back at the last time we had such extreme nothingness. Anything below freezing (god forbid flurries) and they panic and close schools. I like that JFC line. I will credit you when I use it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Uh huh. Kinda like Georgia. When I lived there, Ugly Weather Man would be all, “Great weather this week!” and it’d be 98, with 70% humidity, unrelenting sunshine boasting a 9 on the UV index. In OCTOBER. I hated Ugly Weather Man.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. orbthefirst says:

    “Afeart” You know..sometimes I wonder how many folks recognize your genius, and how many just think you talk funny. Lol
    Also, its about time yall get more snow than we got. Its been 5-10 degrees here for the past few days. Too cold for all that. It is warming up though. 20s right now I believe.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. We all worried about the predicted “major storm”, too. There was supposed to be lots of snow and high winds. What we got was a normal, gentle snowfall which accumulated about a foot of snow. Definitely not enough to keep most Buffalonians in. The cold is a killer, though. We’re down to 3 degrees Fahrenheit right now, and it’s supposed to drop overnight. It was so cold last night that I actually had to open the heat vent in the bedroom. That’s a first in this house.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Dan Antion says:

    I get so frustrated with the hype and over-hype around weather that isn’t worth mentioning until it happens.

    We had almost a week of hype for about 6″ of snow and a little bit of ice. Luckily, for MiMi and MuMu, ours are inside kitties.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Amy says:

    Our weather people are rarely right. We are under wind advisories and the started at 33 and has slowly cooled. It’s 19 now and will be 12 by sunrise. I will not be spending much time outside. However, the sun is supposed to shine and I WILL be sitting in sunbeams. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. J-Dub says:

    Wait … what? Sounds like Indy thinks it’s the Alamo City. That kind of snow would shut the place down here. Meanwhile our Appleton friends would be like “uh, that’s only t-shirt weather”. Poor cold kitty. Hope he is all warm and snuggley now.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. The weathermen and women drive me crazy lately. Always predicting the next storm as the coming apocalypse…. I guess they need the drama. It’s winter for God’s sake! Unless there’s 20 feet coming? Calm the heck down.

    Liked by 1 person

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