Traditions — The Lighting of the Circle

One of the things I love about Indianapolis is our Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument, which is located in the center of the city, inside a roundabout.  On the Friday after Thanksgiving, they “light” the tree, which is composed of stringed lights from top to bottom. It’s quite lovely.
When I was a child one could ice skate on Monument Circle at Christmastime, but they did renovations decades ago, and now there’s no longer a rink.
The spirit stays the same. The tree of lights, the lighted trees, the horses & carriages, the decorations on the circle and the businesses surrounding it — all really can evoke a feeling of childlike wonder.

Since Thanksgiving, I’ve been saying we needed to go to Monument Circle to see the Christmas tree. It’s a tradition. Is it possible to live in Indy and not see the Christmas tree downtown? I don’t think so!
The girls have no memory of the tree, so they didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.
I could imagine their little girl brains, wondering what’s so special about a Christmas tree, or why I’ve made such a big deal about it. Probably just summed it up as, “That Mama, she’s so weird sometimes.”


So, this evening, we went to the Starbucks for a cuppa, and then The Mister drove us downtown. When we turned the corner, facing the circle, I said, “Voila!” and the girls said, “WOW!” and “Oh my gosh!” Moo even gasped.


Mothers love the sound of delighted children, you know.

The Mister dropped us off and we walked onto the monument, the girls ran up the stairs, while I counted my blessings and snapped a few pictures. The snow was comin down pretty hard, so most of my photos didn’t turn out.

This is a professional photo of what it looks like on an average day:


This is another professional photo taken when it’s lit (although this one is from a bygone era, where you can see the ice rinks):


This is my photo of what it looked like tonight, while we stood in front of/under it:

I was just as awed as my children.

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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4 Responses to Traditions — The Lighting of the Circle

  1. Sherry says:

    lovely…I bet it was magical to skate amid the lights…:)


  2. Pingback: Togetherness, Ferrealiously* | joeyfullystated

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