Christmas Postathon – Day 1

For some of this month, I’m going to participate in Nancy’s Christmas Postathon. I think it will be fun. I can tell already that I’m going to enjoy reading her stories. Maybe some of my readers will enjoy reading mine, but I’m sure going to enjoy writing them.

Today is a favorite Christmas decoration.

Technically, I don’t celebrate Christmas, as I am not a Christian. However, I come from a long line of non-practicing Christians and I married a non-practicing Christian. Actually, he doesn’t call himself a Christian, either…
Well, part of the fun of being a Semi-Gnostic Pagan Heathen Unitarian Universalist is that I really don’t care about religion, especially on coffee cups.
The top of my tree has a five-pointed star, we don’t do Santa, and we only build non-denominational snowmen.
So perhaps Unto You a Savior Is Born, but unto me, it’s twinkly lights, candles, baking, candy canes, yule trees, giving presents, and festooning everything with ribbons.


Yesss, RIBBON!

So, my favorite Christmas decoration is the stocking my mother made for me.


Mine is more than twice the size of the rest of my family’s. They love to go on about how spoiled I was, with my huuuge stocking. Let me explain.

First off, I’m an only. For a long time, mine was the only stocking hung by the chimney with care.

My mother made this stocking when I was still at home. Trust me, when she made it, she was not thinkin one day she’d need to make one for the whole fam damily. *giggles*

So, initially, she made one for Bubba and Sissy. Then she made one for The Mister. (Shh, his is the prettiest.)

Then when Sassy was born, my mother came to stay and while she was with us, she worked on Sassy’s stocking. Phew! She managed to get it all done before she left.

Imagine everyone’s her surprise when the following year, she came to stay for Moo’s birth, and quickly finished that one while she was with us as well. Phew! Being a grandma is hard work!

It was fucking spectacular really nice when the following year, she didn’t need to make another stocking for yet another baby.

Every time I take the stockings out, I think about the story, the look on her face as she sat there stitching — her one child with a gaggle of kids. It makes me smile.

Do you have a favorite Christmas decoration?

About joey

Neurotic Bitch, Mother, Wife, Writer, Word Whore, Foodie and General Go-To-Girl
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36 Responses to Christmas Postathon – Day 1

  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    That may be the best stocking I’ve ever seen. I can only imagine how much chocolate could be stuffed inside it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nancy says:

    Yay! I’m so glad you joined in the fun and I love your stocking! Funny how both of our favorite decorations were made by our moms! The story that goes with it is great too and just because I’m weird that way, I also checked out all the books on the shelf behind the stocking. Super good taste in reading material! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Luanne says:

    What a gorgeous stocking. I have some favorite decorations and you’ve made me think of them but I don’t feel ready to talk about them. What is THAT about?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anxious Mom says:

    “non-denominational snowmen” 😀 😀

    Lovely stocking! So cool that your mom did those for all of you. My stepmom bought stockings that were embroidered with each of our names so we wouldn’t be heathens running around with stockings with drawn-on names 😉

    My favorite Christmas thing isn’t a decoration, but a shirt. My grandmother bought it for me the last Christmas she was with us. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Haha! All the other stockings my mother made have the traditional glitter writing on them.
      My mother is immensely gifted.
      You should show us the shirt sometime, tell us about it. That’s precious.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d be proud to call that my stocking. Beautiful work, precious memory. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dalecooper57 says:

    Nice stocking.
    I really, really can’t stand Christmas, but having recently acquired a ready-made family (a seven year old daughter) I’m having to make the effort.
    I think I succeeded last year, but it was hard work.
    I’m in the process of psyching myself up for the upcoming “festivities”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      I live with Mr Bah Humbug and I think he only manages because I bake him a lot of sweets over the course of the month.
      Best of luck in getting through it, Dale!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Benson says:

    I nave to say I started reading your post with some trepidation. From the title I thought it would be one long “family letter” in serial form. Whew;good to see it isn’t. I have put up only one tree since 1988 and I really have no idea where the decorations are. However I do have my nutcrackers. I may not have that many left but I do like to display them this time of year. Of course since we have had the cats we put up a miniature Pink Barbie tree. The cats freak out; attack the tree and bat the little balls all over the place. So they always have a grand old time.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dan Antion says:

    Wow, that stocking, packed with fruit and nuts would qualify as a weapon. I hope she hung it with care and on a lag bolt 🙂 However you celebrate, I hope it’s happy. I have a post about Christmas decorations scheduled, so I’ll make/let you wait until then, rather than go on longer than you post, in a comment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey says:

      Oh I’m just sayin she didn’t put chocolate in there. She’s not the type. But I certainly never complained about it, with my book of Life Savers and whatnot 😉
      I look forward to your post!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. *Waves to the fellow non-Christian*
    Great post! It seems like I did something similar last year around the holidays, maybe I’ll participate again.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I knew I liked you for several reasons, the top of which is I am an only too! Oh, and I love ribbon too.


    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh my gosh – my grandmother made me and my brother stockings like that, and I made one for my daughter!! It took me SO long – I think it was her third Christmas before it was done. But I love it! Sadly my son won’t be getting one 🙂 AWESOME stocking!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. P.S. I’m a Unitarian also!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. jan says:

    I have a couple of favorites and they are all made by hand – but we no longer get into the decorations etc., so they don’t get out much!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. kirizar says:

    It’s nice to meet another Festivus character. I have yet to do the Star Wars and Simpson’s themed tree, or bake and decorate the anything goes holidays cookies. I’d say my favorite thing is when the holiday is all over and I have met every damned to-do on my list. One of these years its actually going to happen and I will fall over in shock.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. markbialczak says:

    Your stocking is phenomenal, Joey. Here’s to your mom for keeping up the tradition of making another and another and another!

    I’m into the spirit of the giving (and the getting) and the celebrating of the day and the season with family and friends. Not so much the decorating and decorations.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Oh this is too sweet. I’m quite a pagan too, although raised catholic. Hush!
    Love your stocking. A friend of mine has also made one for each of her grandkids after making them for her own children. Sweet tradition. I’m afraid mine would have to do with bedtime stories!
    Happy Holiday Season to you and everyone reading this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. reocochran says:

    Joey, I made each of my children individual stockings which were felt, had sequins, beads and stitching. Some call it embroidery and others say crewel. I like your very, extra beautiful stocking. There was a lot of time and love that went into this, too. You ARE spectacular. Just keep telling the family this abd hope they stop laughing and teasing. But you can take it, I know this about you! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Beautiful stocking. My mother made our stockings and tree skirt so I think of her every year when I get them out. I also have a tree topper Santa that my grandfather gave to me when I was about five – treasured for sure. The comments to this post were as interesting as the post itself. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Jewels says:

    Thatsa gorgeous stocking! I don’t have one favorite Christmas decoration, but I love all the little handmade ornaments that my daughter has given me over the years, and the memories they bring back ❤


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